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Play Therapy

Play Therapy is a therapeutic model well suited to support younger clients with a variety of issues, both simple and complex. It is client led and non-directive, and its practices are based on Axeline’s principleof utilising the metaphorical and symbolic functions of play. 

As opposed to other models of therapy, which typically require the client to verbalise their issues, play therapy is a non-talking therapy. Sessions engage the client by providing them with other ways to express their feelings and concerns when it is difficult to do so with words, either because the client is too young to articulate themself, or uncomfortable doing so.  

The actual content of any given session is directed by the child and can include art, music, roleplay, or any number of other activities. Regardless of method chosen, this session provides the client with an opportunity to represent their inner world of values and feelings. 

Clients are provided with a non-judgemental space, as well as an assortment of toys and craft materials to engage with if they choose. In this environment, they are encouraged to process otherwise inaccessible emotions or trauma in their own time, and in their own way. 

In the case of Looked After Children in particular, Life Story work can be offered as a key part of this treatment.

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