by Kate McLaughlin
Alicia Barrett: From Apprentice to Group Administration Manager
You might know Alicia Barrett as our Group Administration Manager, but did you know that she began her career with us at JSA Psychotherapy as an apprentice?
It’s National Apprenticeship Week (7th February – 13th February 2022) and we wanted to highlight our amazing apprenticeship success story. Alicia joined JSA Psychotherapy seven years ago, as an administration apprentice. We sat down with Alicia to look back at her time as an apprentice:
Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?
“I decided to do an apprenticeship as I felt that I would learn more from on the job learning rather than learning from a college classroom setting. When leaving school, I went to college to study Media Studies but after one year, I knew that this route wasn’t for me. I knew I wanted to work in an office setting doing administration, I wasn’t aware of what field of work this would be in. It just so happened that this was in Psychotherapy.”
What did you enjoy the most about your apprenticeship?
“I enjoyed learning new skills in the workplace setting which I wouldn’t have learnt from a classroom. I enjoyed being able to complete my college coursework in my own time.”
How did completing an apprenticeship set you up for a successful career?
“When I completed my apprenticeship, I gained knowledge to set me up for my career ahead. At the time, I didn’t realise that in 7 years’ time, I would be the Group Administration Manager. I finished my apprenticeship and then went on to complete three additional qualifications to help me get to where I am today. I feel like if I hadn’t have started off with my administration apprenticeship, I wouldn’t have been equipped with the skills I need for my role today.”
We are proud of how far Alicia has come in the past seven years and we are excited to see what happens in the future.
As part of National Apprenticeship Week this week, we are also highlighting Kate McLaughlin, who is currently completing a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship.